About me

I’m Sylvana and I am a Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach and Yoga Instructor. 7 years ago I was working in retail, managing a team of ten people and living deep in the rat race: always on the go, commuting three hours daily, working over hours, never seeming to reach that balance we all crave and always playing catch-up. This lifestyle really took a toll on my body and soon enough it started protesting, getting to a point where stress had taken over not only my daily life but also my body. It set in, quietly, in my neck and shoulders and it wasn’t long before it took over my head.

That’s when I decided I would take back control and set my eyes on a 200h TTC – yoga teacher training course – in India. Fast forward to a couple of months later, here I was, freshly unemployed but with a clearer purpose than ever: regaining control over my mind and body.

This is where I had my first encounter with Ayurveda. I ended up in the ayurvedic clinic of our mentor, following a 5-day pacha karma detox treatment, after which I felt reborn. After finishing the TTC, I returned back home determined to know more about this millennia-old science. Soon, I found a course on Ayurveda, and in 2019 I started the Ayurveda Practitioner Study at Delight Academy.

At AZEȲA, I envisioned a space where like-minded individuals can come together, find inspiration, and exchange stories of empowerment. Here, we celebrate intentional living—a philosophy that encourages taking full control control of one’s journey and shaping it with purpose.. This is what I call intentional living.

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A dense online resource of inspiration, from ayurvedic principles and well-being tips to personalized insights and holistic living.


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