
When going through one of the darkest times in my life, I found solace and meaning in Ayurveda and yoga. I was battling depression and I was going through a debilitating burnout when I decided to make a change and fully immerse myself in Ayurveda. This gave me meaning and helped me at a time when I was lost.

Ayurveda taught me not to follow, but to lead. Lead my own life the way I chose and in tune with my own body. I learned well-being is personal and unique and what works for some doesn’t work for others. I learned change is inevitable, but we are only in control when we put our intention behind it. I learned the meaning of life is re-tuning into our bodies and consciously reconnecting with ourselves and our surroundings.

For a person to be fully in control, the elements within must communicate with one another, respond and balance one another.

Sylvana Janssen

I knew then that I wanted to help others create their own path to well-being by celebrating their individuality. I wanted to create a platform dedicated to self-love and connection, a space for change and self-growth. A place where I could share my findings from this journey to discover how ancient wisdom can seamlessly coexist with and enhance modern living. Here, I aim to inspire others to act on their curiosity about what health and well-being mean to them. To help bring this vision to life, I teamed up with my good friend, Bianca, and that is how AZEȲA was born.

So go on, discover the AZEȲA lifestyle, and get inspired. Scroll through the editorial page to learn more, shop treats and aides to help you on your journey, or reach out if you need more support.

be love and give love, Sylvana

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A dense online resource of inspiration, from ayurvedic principles and well-being tips to personalized insights and holistic living.


Uncover the essence of self-care and rejuvenation with our selection of beauty insights. Explore how self-care practices, healthy habits, and natural solutions can empower your unique beauty.

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Health & Wellness

A carefully curated collection of routines and rituals rooted in ancient wisdom and designed to support your well-being.

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