Marma Magic: Activating Your 3rd Eye 

by Janneke Schuurman
marma magic 3rd eye chakra

Picture this: when you want to turn on the lights, you go for the switch, not the lamp, right? Well, that’s what marma points are – light switches to your energetic body.

There are 72000 nadis, or energy pathways in the body. With them 107 light switches, or marma points, some of which are deep in the body, like the heart, the brain, and the kidneys. But many of them are also on the surface, giving us easy access to in daily life.

Let’s take a look at one marma point that we have easy access to and that we can all benefit from.

Staphani Marma – The stress reliever

This point is called Staphani marma, where staphani means stability. This marma point is a great support in times of stress, helps with insomnia as well as in hormonal disbalance. Staphani marma is located in the same place as our 3rd eye, Ajna Chakra, right in the midline of the forehead, one anguli above the midpoint between the eyebrows.

*anguli is a measurement given to the width of your finger. One anguli is one finger width.

This marma point is also located at the midpoint of our body, where our left and right main energy channels meet. As we draw an imaginary line right down the center of our body, we split into two halves. So do the energy channels in our bodies, with one important channel on each side: Ida Nadi on the left side of the body and Pingala Nadi on the right side of the body. In Eastern philosophy, these energy channels are the infamous yin and yang, the active and passive, the sun and the moon, and many practices revolve around supporting the balance between the two.

These two energy channels come together in one important point, called Sushumna in Ayurveda. So why is this important? Well, when energy, prana, enters through Sushumna, it leads to feeling a sense of clarity, harmony, or dare we say bliss. Having this marma point located exactly on the point where Ida and Pingala come together, gives us access to these sensations, ultimately leading to an inner feeling of bliss. True marma magic!

Now that we know the importance of this marma, how do we work with it?

Activating The 3rd Eye with Staphani Marma

In general, when a marma point is more on the surface, like this one, you can simply place your thumb on it and apply gentle pressure. Here, the key is to keep your awareness with that point/finger, to help support the flow of energy. This doesn’t require any oil, or special tools, easy does it!

To activate this marma point, you have a couple more options: 

  • Circling: You can use a bit of oil (plain sesame oil, or Mahanarayan Oil) and move gently in a clockwise circle on this point. 
  • Sense of smell: You can also use a tiny drop of essential oil, one that suits your constitution and needs, and also includes the smell sense organ. A great suggestion is a drop of rose oil before going to bed, to support a calm night of sleep.
  • Enjoy a Shirodhara treatment with your Ayurvedic Practitioner. With this treatment, Staphani marma is gently massaged by a constant stream of oil.
  • Yoga: Practice child’s pose. As you come and sit on your heels, knees a bit apart, you fold forward and place your forehead on the floor or a yoga block. Allowing the head to rest on this marma point can give the same support as massaging it gently. 
marma magic 3rd eye chakra

So there you have it. A simple yet effective way to activate your 3rd eye and balance the main energy channels in your body. Whether it is in your next yoga class, on your yoga mat at home, or through a calming Shirodhara therapy, activating this marma point will lead you unmistakably to a state of inner relaxation and contentment. 

Janneke Schuurman

Janneke is holistic Ayurvedic therapist and runs her practice from Utrecht, The Netherlands. In recent years, Janneke has found her own unique path as a therapist, combining her deep-rooted foundation in Ayurveda with powerful energetic bodywork. Next to that she teaches at the 2 leading institutes in the Netherlands, Healing Space and the Ayurveda Academy.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition.

pictures: alvin balemesa, janneke schuurman

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