the art of you quiz dosha test

The Art of You Quiz

Take this 5-minute quiz to find out your dosha and get fully personalized insights to elevate your well-being.

You can choose more than one answer.

1 / 34

My body frame is..

2 / 34

My body weight is..

3 / 34

My chest is..

4 / 34

My hips are..

5 / 34

My muscles are..

6 / 34

My skin is..

7 / 34

My hair looks..

8 / 34

The shape of my face is..

9 / 34

My eyes are..

10 / 34

My lips are..

11 / 34

My teeth are..

12 / 34

My gums are..

13 / 34

My tongue is..

14 / 34

My hands are..

15 / 34

My fingernails are..

16 / 34

My digestion is..

17 / 34

I prefer my food to be..

18 / 34

My food habits are..

19 / 34

My stool is..

20 / 34

I sweat..

21 / 34

My blood circulation is..

22 / 34

I struggle regularly with..

23 / 34

I sleep..

24 / 34

My dreams are..

25 / 34

My strength and endurance is..

26 / 34

I like my activities to be..

27 / 34

Environmental influences

28 / 34

My memory is..

29 / 34

My speech is..

30 / 34

My personality traits..

31 / 34

My life goals are..

32 / 34

My friendships are..

33 / 34

My love relationships are..

34 / 34

Money and me..

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