Listen to Your Body: Stress Management Tools for the Doshas

Stress is an over-talked topic and a kind of ever-present companion for most of us. We are surrounded by so many stimuli and triggers that we sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information out there about what we should be doing, where we should be in life by a certain point, or simply, how we should be feeling. 

Should, should, should. This 6-letter word holds such great power when it comes to managing stress. The Dutch have a great saying that I’ve learned to take to heart beyond its symbolic meaning, and that is “niets moet, alles mag”. Loosely translated to everything goes, this is a state of mind that removes the pressure of both outside and self-expectations and creates a conscious pool of decision-making. So how does this look for the doshas?

Niets moet, alles mag.

dutch Saying
Understanding the Doshas and Stress

In our modern lives, stress has become a nearly universal aspect of the human experience. While a certain amount of stress can be motivating and beneficial, excessive stress has been recognized as detrimental to our overall well-being. We’ve come to understand that prolonged stress can significantly impact all aspects of physical, mental, and emotional health. 

The relationship with stress looks different for all three doshas. Vata-dominant individuals have a tumultuous response to stress and are often prone to feeling anxious, worried, and fearful. When stressed, they usually make rash decisions and pick up the pace, making erratic moves along the way. 

Pitta types may experience irritability and anger when dealing with prolonged stress. They can become frustrated or hyper-focused on the end goal and push their limits without any regard for their own well-being, which usually leaves them burned out. 

Kapha-dominant individuals tend to internalize stress, leading to feelings of sadness and lethargy. Stress can leave them feeling defeated and stagnant, and they can find it challenging to take action to come out of this state. 

If you’re unsure about your dominant dosha, discover it by taking our body type quiz.

Stress Management Tools for Each Dosha

Creating a calming daily routine and ensuring enough rest is essential for managing stress for you. Vatas crave routine more than anything as it helps them sort through their erratic nature and create a comforting predictability for their days. 

At the same time, you can greatly benefit from grounding and calming sensory experiences that soothe your nervous system and quiet the mind. 

  • Practice warm oil massage, abhyanga, with Shine Vata Oil to promote grounding 
  • Include a daily meditation into your practice, however short, to calm the mind 
  • Use regularly spices like turmeric, cumin, ginger, and asafoetida to increase digestive power and readily process any physical and emotional input
  • Take a walk in nature or do a grounding yoga practice for a quick stress reliever 
  • Use to-do lists to sort through your tasks and ease the mental overload of moving from one task to another


For you, my fiery friend, cooling is the word of the day when it comes to managing stress. You can find relief through activities like swimming, spending time in nature, and practicing mindfulness. 

Keep your experiences sweet and fun and avoid conflict. Setting boundaries can also help balance your Pitta energy. 

  • Enjoy time at the beach or take a walk outside to cool down
  • Show yourself some grace when you feel you are being too tough on yourself
  • Make time for fun activities and infuse laughter into your days
  • Practice warm oil massage with Manifest Pitta Oil for a daily dose of self-love


You thrive on movement and stimulation to combat stress. Engaging in vigorous exercise, trying new experiences, and maintaining a light diet can help prevent stagnation and promote a sense of vitality. 

The most important tool in your stress management toolkit is stimulating the senses. You want to get out of that emotional slum that stress can cause and look for active ways to cope. 

  • Look for companionship in times when you feel like you are isolating yourself and open up about your struggles
  • Keep your physical and emotional input light to counteract your heavy nature
  • Exercise daily helps activate your system and keeps you motivated
  • Welcome spontaneity and accept change as part of life
  • Stay consistent with your self-care practices to maintain balance and resilience

By integrating Ayurveda and understanding your dosha into your lifestyle, you can cultivate a deeper connection to yourself and enhance your ability to manage stress effectively. When you align with the unique qualities of your main dosha, you tap into Ayurveda’s wisdom to customize your lifestyle, food choices, and self-care practices to fit your personal needs. This whole-body approach helps you tackle issues from the core, promoting balance and strength in every part of your life. 

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition.

picture: eileen pan

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