Osi Oils Manifest Organic Ayurveda Pitta Body Oil


Calming. Cooling. Soothing. Balancing. Manifest Pitta Body Oil is excellent for calming the mind and cooling and balancing the body. A daily self-massage can benefit the skin, where pitta tends to accumulate, improve circulation, detoxify the lymphatic system, and promote a healthy glow. 10% discount with code AZEYA10 (discount code already applied in your cart)


Calming. Cooling. Soothing. Balancing. Manifest Pitta Body Oil is excellent for calming the mind and cooling and balancing the body. A daily self-massage can benefit the skin, where pitta tends to accumulate, improve circulation, detoxify the lymphatic system, and promote a healthy glow.

Pitta dosha is composed of the elements fire and water. Transformation in the body always requires pitta: digestion, metabolism, temperature maintenance, sensory perception, and comprehension. Pitta tends to be driven and ambitious and benefits from a soothing massage, which is enhanced by the cooling and cleansing qualities of the herbs found in Manifest. Pitta also holds tension in the muscles and is relaxed by the therapeutic touch of a warm oil massage.


Balancing for all doshas, especially pitta.



Detoxifies the lymphatic system

Cooling agent

Calms the mind

Improves circulation



Sesame Oil, Bhringraj, Brahmi, Neem, Mint, Chamomile, Manjistha, Wild Sandalwood Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil


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