Osi Essence Collection: Limited Edition Travel Kit


Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our comprehensive travel kit featuring samples of all 9 Ayurvedic oils. It’s the ultimate way to immerse yourself in our product range and embrace a truly transformative new ritual. Travel bag included.   10% discount with code AZEYA10 (discount code already applied in your cart)  


Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our comprehensive travel kit Osi Essence Collection. The kit features samples of all 9 Ayurvedic oils. It’s the ultimate way to immerse yourself in our product range and embrace a truly transformative new ritual. Travel bag included.

Using Ayurvedic oils as a daily ritual is an effective way to unlock the body’s healing ability, revitalize the mind, and maintain optimal health. Massaging with Ayurvedic oils relieves the mind and body from stress and toxic build-ups. With regular use, Ayurvedic oils have the ability to rejuvenate your entire physical structure, promote mental relaxation, and slow the ageing process.



Clear Organic Ayurveda Nasal Drops

Glow Organic Ayurveda Face Oil

Radiance Organic Ayurveda Hair & Scalp Oil

Flow Organic Ayurveda Belly Oil

Feminin Organic Ayurveda Breast Oil

Soothe Organic Ayurveda Body Oil

Shine Organic Ayurveda Vata Body Oil

Rejuvenate Organic Ayurveda Body Oil

Pitta Organic Ayurveda Body Oil



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