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Ayurvedic DietSeptember 22, 2023

Simple Digestive to Give Your Agni a Boost

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. […]

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Ayurvedic DietAugust 24, 2023

Discover Lassi – The Original Milkshake

WHAT ARE the 4 most significant benefits of Lassi: 1. It helps reduce skin texture and pigmentation, keeps it hydrated and glowing, giving you radiant skin […]

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EditorialJune 15, 2023

4 Nutritious and Refreshing Summer Drinks to Keep You Cool

Picture this: beads of perspiration trickle down your neck, and the sun beats down mercilessly. The unrelenting heat is a constant reminder of the season, […]

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Ayurvedic DietApril 14, 2023

Kitchari: the go-to meal when your gut needs a break

What is Kitchari? Kitchari means mixture, usually of 2 grains. Rice and mung beans are mixed together with various spices into a warm and fragrant […]

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