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vata yoga pitta yoga kapha yoga doshas

AyurvedaApril 28, 2024

Balancing The Doshas Through Yoga: A Personalized Approach

Yoga, an ancient practice that harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, is deeply rooted in Ayurveda, the science of life. Ayurveda recognizes the unique constitution […]

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Marma Magic: The concept of Marma Points

AyurvedaMarch 1, 2024

Marma Magic: The concept of Marma Points

by janneke schuurman Marma and emotions Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for […]

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AyurvedaJune 2, 2023

Lose Weight with Ayurveda: A Simplified Approach

By identifying your unique dosha type and addressing any imbalances that may be present, you can leverage Ayurveda’s comprehensive approach to nutrition, lifestyle, and mindful […]

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AyurvedaMarch 10, 2023

The 5 pillars of holistic health

These past couple of years have been rough on the whole world, the environment, and society, but also on us as individuals. Our reality as […]

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