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AyurvedaApril 29, 2023

Transform Your Space and Enhance Your Well-being:

Holistic Interior Design and the Doshas If you have been here for a while you already know the power of Ayurveda on the mind and […]

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AyurvedaApril 21, 2023

Burnout: friend or foe?

The symptoms of burnout can be quite debilitating, affecting both mental and physical health. I started feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and emotionally drained. On top of […]

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Ayurvedic DietApril 14, 2023

Kitchari: the go-to meal when your gut needs a break

What is Kitchari? Kitchari means mixture, usually of 2 grains. Rice and mung beans are mixed together with various spices into a warm and fragrant […]

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EditorialApril 8, 2023

The Gut-Brain Connection: The Surprising Link Between Emotional Well-being and Gut Health

Gut instincts are often shrugged off as primitive, unenlightened judgments rooted in our caveman ancestors. However, recent studies suggest that the gut may have a […]

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AyurvedaMarch 31, 2023

Emotional Toxins: Understanding How the Body Digests Emotions

Understanding how emotional toxins form is essential if we are to learn how to protect ourselves from their effects. It is a complex process that […]

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AyurvedaMarch 10, 2023

The 5 pillars of holistic health

These past couple of years have been rough on the whole world, the environment, and society, but also on us as individuals. Our reality as […]

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Ayurvedic DietFebruary 22, 2023

The Fundamentals of the Ayurvedic Diet:

How to eat for your Dosha You are what you eat, the saying goes. According to Ayurveda, this could not be more true. Ayurveda is […]

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AyurvedaFebruary 2, 2023

Ayurveda’s Founding Principle: The Doshas in the Spotlight

In the world of Ayurveda, everything that you encounter in nature is made up of 5 elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. These elements […]

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